Kert Kley

about Kert...
 With a photographic career spanning five decades, Kert Kley has had many titles which have helped him develop a great understanding of the photographic process and fine art in general.

 His love of nature, life and all that it holds are all seen in his art.  His wildlife and landscape images speak for themselves.  Much of Kert's abstract art has deep and hidden meaning with intriguing messages, albeit much of which is personal.

 Kert's path of learning, employment history and major achievements are listed below.

Kert Gary Kley
(pronounced KLY)

Kert's first official training was at UNLV (Las Vegas) in 1973 where he studied Basic Photography and Basic Darkroom Techniques.

In 1976 Kert was chosen as one of four persons from the entire U.S. Navy to attend the Naval School of Bio-Medical Photography at the Bethesda Naval Hospital where he graduated as Class Honor Student.

From there Kert went to the Long Beach Naval Hospital as the Staff Bio-Medical Photographer.  While in Long Beach he also worked part-time as the Track Photographer for Los Alamitos Race Track.

In 1978 Kert was able to work as an apprentice for the world famous architectural photographer, Julius Schulman.

In 1980, after his time with the Naval had ended, Kert moved to Las Vegas and started his own studio, A-Z Photographically Speaking.  Product Photography, Architectural Photography and Unique Portraiture were the backbone of this studio.

Wanting to be closer to his family Kert moved to Utah in 1982 opening Photo Productions which focused on Fashion Photography, Executive Portraiture and Large Event Coverage. During this period Weber State University contracted his services for Public Relations and Special Events Photography.  His contract was for a minimum of 20 hours weekly.

1986 - "Photographer of the Year"  - Race Track Magazine.

1987 - "Photographer and Evenings Guest Speaker" - Miss USA Teen Pageant.

Late in 1987 Kert was offered the position of Quality Control Manager for the Nimslo Corporation, a 3 Dimensional photography company, located back in Las Vegas.  Excited to have a hands on opportunity with this rare form of photography he gladly excepted the invitation and enjoyed it immensely but the confinements of the lab was not for him so he moved on.

Kert began experimenting with different medias; paints, tiles, clays, woods and metals, looking for inspiration.  In 1993 Kert was introduced to Adobe's "Photoshop". He stated,

 "Photoshop changed my life or at least the "Undo Command" did. Before Photoshop I would copy a print for restoration then painstakingly use a '000' Sable Brush to restore areas or repair damage. If I made a mistake I would have to trash all I had done and start over. Photoshop changed all that. Now if I make a mistake I just undo it then continue from there!!! It's AWESOME. I use it a lot to manipulate my images and really can't say enough about it. All off my photographs go through Photoshop for final processing. I am able to accomplish works using Photoshop that I could only dream of before it's development."

Today Kert works as a full time photographer for NEDCO Supply's Internet Division and still finds time for many other clients in a wide variety of photographic needs.

Kert's amazing career makes him one of the most well rounded photographers in the world.